tangled Christmas candles

Tangled Inklings / Carol Graham
Tangled Christmas Candles
I made these candles for some special folks on my Christmas list this year.  I grabbed some nice scented candles at half-price from IKEA.  I drew the tangles on tissue paper, then used a heat-gun to 'melt' the tissue paper into the candle.  

I opened the candles very carefully, then re-wrapped them in the original cellophane so they would look like they came already tangled!  I was pleased with how they turned out.

I hope everyone enjoyed a warm and wonderful
holiday season!

article on z e n t a n g l e

inlander.comThere was a good article in the Living Section of  the Dec 1, 2013 issue of The Pacific Northwest Inlander, written by E. J. Iannelli, called The Art of Meditation - Zentangle offers relaxation and focus through pen and paper.

It features CZT Loretta West from Color Garden Studio in Spokane, Washington.  Click HERE to read the article.

Diva's weekly challenge #147

Okay, so I didn't EXACTLY do The Diva's Weekly Challenge this week . . . I never found the opportunity to sit down with an actual tile and make it happen.  I DID play with Laura Harm's new tangle, and I have bits of Boo*Kee along the edge of Tuesday's crossword puzzle, on the back of my meter-reading card, and in the little book I carry in my purse that catches my random thoughts and inspirations . . .
Carol Graham / Tangled Inklings / Diva #147
I didn't submit it to the linkey machine over at I am the Diva, because I don't think it's the right kind of image for the slide shows that Laura creates with our submissions.  There are some pretty amazing ones this week - be sure to check them out HERE.

Diva's weekly challenge #146

This week's challenge was a Duo-Tangle: Pea-nuckle & Well

Carol Graham, Diva Callenge #146, Tangled Inklings
Diva Challenge #146
I fooled around with variations of these in my 'play-book' for quite some time, and just wasn't feelin' it.  It was getting late, and I figured I'd better just grab a tile and get 'er done. 

Carol Graham, Diva Callenge #146, Tangled Inklings
Diva Challenge #146-modified

UPDATE: Okay, so it was after 2AM when I finished and posted the tile for this challenge.  I wasn't really happy with it at the time, and seeing it in the light of day didn't change my mind.  Never one to be able to leave well-enough alone (pun intended) - I fiddled with it some more.